Natural Solutions To 3 Common Wellness Issues

Natural Solutions To 3 Common Wellness Issues

Would you agree or disagree that having a sore throat is the worst? Sometimes the smallest wellness issues can be the most irritating! Oh, that’s why I love the anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties of essential oils! Here are some possible solutions to three of the most common wellness issues.

1. Soothing Stress

Oils: Lavender & Lemon

How to Use: Diffuse, massage neck & shoulders or apply to back or bottom

of feet.

2. Sore Throat

Oils: Protective Blend, Melaleuca & Lemon

How to Use: Gargle, diffuse, apply to throat, chest and back of neck

3. Tooth Ache

Oils: Clove & Melaleuca

How to Use: Gargle or swallow, apply to gums

Essential oils have so many different uses, it can be hard to know where to start. These are great options for dealing with just a few of the most nasty, nagging, annoying parts of life. If you’d like more information on how you could benefit from daily essential oil use, call me at 619-884-0601 or email me at [email protected]

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